We help companies co-create game changing opportunities.™

Welcome to Lean Disruptor®


We help companies co-create game changing opportunities.

Welcome to Lean Disruptor®


We help companies co-create game changing opportunities.

Welcome to Lean Disruptor®


How do you innovate

As a leading consultancy group in the field of helping companies design better and faster, we are often asked this question. Specialising in Design Sprints and Business Model Innovation, we've battle tested our workshops around the globe and have curated and developed 'the greatest hits' into innovation workshops designed to help companies big to small on how to cut long meetings and start thinking, building and testing new products and ideas now.

Design Sprints

The biggest challenge organisations face is building products and services that customers want.

A design sprint is a glimpse into the future of how your product will be received by your customers.

Jake Knapp

Not Enough Time

You’re up against a deadline. You need good solutions, fast. A sprint compresses months of designing, prototyping, and testing into a 1-week process. As the name suggests, a sprint is built for speed.

High Stakes

You’re facing a big problem and the solution will require a lot of time and money. A sprint is your chance to check the navigation charts and steer in the right direction before going full steam ahead.

Just Plain Stuck

Some important projects are hard to start. Others lose momentum along the way. A sprint is a booster rocket: a fresh approach to problem solving that helps you escape gravity’s clutches.


Trained by the Jake Knapp, the founder of the Design Sprint process, we have run dozens of sprints around the globe.

To learn more click to join our free monthly meetup group on the processDesign Sprint Ireland
We were going to run our own Design Sprint and attempt to facilitate it ourselves. I was conscious that we were bringing key people together for a week away from their normal work. This is costly and this needed to succeed. I decided, therefore, to contact Rohan to facilitate. He flew to London to undertake this. Rohan kept us focused, on time, and continuously interested in the process. I feel we gained enormous value out of the week. This was largely due to how it was facilitated. Rohan was energetic, focused and strictly but gently kept everyone on track. I believe that the Design Sprint would risk being much less successful or meeting the hectic time scale without Rohan's facilitation. We will definitely do this again ... with Rohan.
Brendan O'Hara, Co-Founder, Untapped

Lean Disruptor Sprint Map

Where we've been and where we've Sprinted.


Madrid, Spain
Madrid, Spain

Design Sprint workshop for Vodafone in September 2019.

Design Sprint workshop for Vodafone in September 2019.

Dundalk, Ireland
Dundalk, Ireland

Design Sprint workshop at the ECME Conference in September 2019.

Design Sprint workshop at the ECME Conference in September 2019.

Galway, Ireland
Galway, Ireland

Design Sprint workshop for UX Network Galway in August 2019.

Design Sprint workshop for UX Network Galway in August 2019.

Dublin, Ireland
Dublin, Ireland

1 week Design Sprint facilitated for the Institute of Banking in April 2019.

1 week Design Sprint facilitated for the Institute of Banking in April 2019.

Chicago, IL - US
Chicago, IL - US

4 day Design Sprint with Spencer Stuart International in February 2019.

4 day Design Sprint with Spencer Stuart International in February 2019.

London, UK
London, UK

4 day Design Sprint facilitated for Untapped AI in December 2018.

4 day Design Sprint facilitated for Untapped AI in December 2018.

Portland, ME - US
Portland, ME - US

1 week Design Sprint facilitated for ClaimVantage in November 2018.

1 week Design Sprint facilitated for ClaimVantage in November 2018.

Lisbon, Portugal
Lisbon, Portugal

Design Sprint workshop for Lean Digital Summit in October 2018.

Design Sprint workshop for Lean Digital Summit in October 2018.


Design Sprint Facilitator's workshop for Design Sprints Asia in September 2018.

Design Sprint Facilitator's workshop for Design Sprints Asia in September 2018.

Colombo, Sri Lanka
Colombo, Sri Lanka

Design Sprint Facilitator's workshop in August 2018.

Design Sprint Facilitator's workshop in August 2018.

Cork, Ireland
Cork, Ireland

Design Sprint Facilitator's workshop for RebelCon 2018.

Design Sprint Facilitator's workshop for RebelCon 2018.

Dublin, Ireland
Dublin, Ireland

1 week Design Sprint facilitated for Glandore in August 2017.

1 week Design Sprint facilitated for Glandore in August 2017.

“I had heard a lot of great things about the Design Sprint process and we thought it could be worth our while as we were developing a new proposition for a new market that we wanted to test. We had a lot of unknowns in terms of user behaviour and likely reactions and I was blown away by the amount of work we were able to get done in a week. I walked away from the week with a working prototype, a video on the evolving product, specific and real user feedback and a framework for how to move forward. We have many insights from this week that we are currently integrating into our product which has helped to de-risk the development process. It was a pleasure to work with the Lean Disruptor team on this, it’s clear they are leaders in this field – and I would have no hesitation in recommending them’.

Ruth Bailey, Head of Product and Proposition, Irish Life Health

Innovation doesn't just happen.

Today, a company’s long-term competitive success depends upon its ability to create an innovative business model. New innovation startups are challenging the old ones, some of whom are struggling to reinvent themselves. Entirely new industries are forming as old ones crumble.

Business Model Innovation

Business Model Innovation is about creating value, for companies, customers and society. Business models are designed and executed in specific environments. Developing a good understanding of your organisation’s environment helps you to conceive stronger, more competitive business models. Continuous environment scanning is more important than ever because of the growing complexity of the economic landscape, greater uncertainty and severe market disruptions.

Lean Startup

Steve Blank’s book “The Four Steps to Epiphany” started a new methodology called the Lean Startup. It is a process that can make starting a company less risky. It favours experimentation over-elaborate planning, customer feedback over intuition and iterative design over traditional “big design up front” development. The workshop will introduce the participants to the Lean Start-up process and take them through the Customer Development process and introduce the participants to one of the key tools in this process, the Business Model Canvas.

Design Thinking

Thinking like a designer can transform the way organizations develop products, services, processes, and strategy. This approach brings together what is desirable from a human point of view with what is technologically feasible and economically viable. Design thinking relies on the human ability to be intuitive, to recognize patterns, and to construct ideas that are emotionally meaningful as well as functional. As IDEO founder David Kelley says, design thinking is not a linear path, "it's a big mass of looping back to different places in the process."


The Startup Bootcamp is an intensive, interactive weekend training designed to test one’s entrepreneurial appetite and jumpstart the entrepreneurial adventure. Participants will learn the building blocks of what it takes to create their own venture from the ground-up, including idea generation, team formation, business validation, pitching to investors and more. In one weekend, the participants will have ideated, tested and built a prototype along with a financial plan and a pitch for an idea.


Disrupting the game.

Lean Disruptor facilitates corporates to take their ideas and turn them into successful businesses. We help companies develop new business models and identify growth opportunities using the Lean Disruptor framework for growth.

The journey began in 2010, during an assignment in Trinidad. It dawned on us that we look at ‘design’ and ‘lean’ tools in separate silos. It was almost as if we let designers do their thing, while we the engineers focus on building the products. We started to look at integrating design tools with the set of lean tools in helping our clients build better products and reduce their risk of failure.

The three guiding principles of Lean Disruptor are:
– Focus on a change in mindset and create the ability to lead change;
– Build on the wisdom of others with collaboration, co-creation and healthy debate;
– Use a lean approach integrating it with design thinking to help our customers co-create game-changing opportunities.


The Dream Team

Raomal Perera
Raomal Perera is a veteran of multiple entrepreneurial ventures and an Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurship at INSEAD and UCD where he currently teaches and studies entrepreneurship, innovation and the management of rapidly growing companies.
Rohan Perera
Design Sprint Master/Facilitator
Rohan Perera has run multiple Design Sprints across Ireland, the US and the UK for companies such as The Institute of Banking, Glandore, Aviva, ClaimVantage, Irish Life and Spencer Stuart International. He has trained over 200 Design Sprint facilitators worldwide.
Lily Wu
Design Lead
Resident Design Sprint prototyper and die hard minimalist.
